What Ukrainian partners can learn from education systems in EU

The project consortium has finished the work on the analysis of governance in vocational teacher education in the selected European countries and published on the project website the complete report on it

Before making any changes or improvement in education it is always useful to see how other education systems function, what works well there, what is problematic and how this or that experience can be adopted in the local context. In scientific terms we speak about concepts of “policy borrowing” and “policy learning” in education. Therefore, within the first working package “Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education” the project partners investigated how vocational teacher education operates in the European countries, namely in Austria, Germany and Italy. Ukrainian partners received the first insights during the kick-off workshop in February 2020 (see the News). However, it was decided that these insights might be useful for a broader audience, especially for those who are interested in international education, comparative education and policymaking. Thus, the European partners developed a report, which describes vocational teacher education and its governance in respective countries.

The report “Governance of vocational teacher education in EU countries: overview” is available in English (on the English version of the website) and in Ukrainian (on the Ukrainian version of the website) languages.