1P: Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education
The first work package focuses on research in the context of a preliminary need analysis. The main task is to find out by means of scientifically reliable instruments, the needs and interests of all participants involved in vocational teacher education in Ukraine: HEIs as providers of educational services, HEI students as the first range consumers of the educational services, vocational schools (teaching staff and management) as work destinations of the students, i.e. of the second range consumers of the services.
- present governance of vocational teacher education in EU countries
- develop scientifically reliable instruments for needs analysis of targets groups (vocational school teachers, management, HEI students)
- conduct needs analysis by means of developed instruments
- process collected data
- write an institutional report
- conduct a round table with the involvement of target groups and work out a national roadmap for changes in vocational teacher education governance in Ukraine
- write a report on work package 1P
Kick-off workshop in Konstanz
On 17-18 of February 2020, the University of Konstanz hosted the first kick-off project workshop of the Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE. The project teams from Ukraine and three EU countries (Germany, Austria, Italy) spent two days intensively working on the project issues. Generally, 36 participants took part in this event. The aim of the workshop was, firstly, to meet all project consortium in person and, secondly, to discuss the implementation of the first working package "Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education", project management mechanisms and communication, quality assurance and sustainability of results.
See more details in the News.
The presentations of the kick-off workshop
WS1_IVET_VTE in UA_Standards_Borodienko_en
WS1_KNEU_VTE in UA_Tsymbaliuk_en
WS1_MESU_TE for VET in UA_Panych_en
WS1_MESU_VET teachers. From uni to school_Shumik_en
WS1_NTU_VTE in UA_Savostin_en
WS1_SUNPU_VTE in UA_Fogel_en
WS1_UEPA_VTE in UA_Kovalenko_en
WS1_UKON_Administrative issues_Melnyk_corrected_en
WS1_UKON_Overview of VTE in Germany_Deissinger_en
WS1_UNIROMATRE_Overview VTE in Italy_Leproni_en
WS1_WU_Overview of VTE in Austria_Fortmuller_en
Round Table
On September 14-15, 2020 within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project «New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)» the round table «Governance of vocational teacher education: bringing together stakeholders and matching interests» was held. It was organized by National Transport University.
The purpose of the event is a public discussion with stakeholders on the results of the national survey on the partnership-based governance of training for vocational teachers’ education institutions and the development of the roadmap for changes.
The round table was attended by the Ukrainian and EU partners, as well as stakeholders:
- university teachers involved in the training of vocational education teachers
- directors and teachers of institutions of professional pre-higher and vocational education
- employers
- representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The European partners of the project: Thomas Deissinger, (University of Konstanz, Germany), Richard Fortmüller and Rosanna Steininger (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) and Giovanni Serra (Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy) shared the experience of organizing teacher education governance in their countries.
The presentation on current problems and perspectives in vocational teacher education in Ukraine was made by Iryna Shumik (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).
Results of the national survey of the target groups on governance of vocational teacher education were presented by Viktoriia Kruchek (Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAES of Ukraine).
Results of survey on soft skills of vocational teachers in Ukraine were presented by the partners from Universita degli Studi Roma Tre.
During the round table, the moderated discussion was organized on the European experience, which can be useful for Ukrainian practice of vocational education.
The participants of the round table worked out the suggestions how to improve governance in vocational teacher education in Ukraine.
Report: Governance of vocational teacher education in EU countries (eng.) / (ukr.)
Instruments for need analysis of project target groups (eng.) / (ukr.)
Institutional Report: Professional education and vocational education teachers in Ukraine: experience of the National Transport University (eng.) / (ukr.)
Institutional report: Current state of vocational teacher training at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky (eng.) / (ukr.)
Institutional report: Analysis of system of vocational teacher education and its governance at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (eng.) / (ukr.)
Institutional report: Analysis of system of vocational teacher education and its governance at Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (UEPA) (eng.) (ukr.)
Structural Report: Analysis of national survey results on governance in vocational teacher education in Ukraine (eng.) / (ukr.)
Diagnistic tool for evaluation of strategic competences and self perception of HEI and VET teaching staff (ukr.)
Report on self-competences of Ukrainian VET teachers (eng.)