Activities of the project

Kick-off workshop in Konstanz

On 17-18 of February 2020, the University of Konstanz hosted the first kick-off project workshop of the Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE. The project teams from Ukraine and three EU countries (Germany, Austria, Italy) spent two days intensively working on the project issues. Generally, 36 participants took part in this event. The aim of the workshop was, firstly, to meet all project consortium in person and, secondly, to discuss the implementation of the first working package "Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education", project management mechanisms and communication, quality assurance and sustainability of results.

Within the workshop, the participants also visited a vocational school centre (Berufsschulzentrum) in Radofzell, which was very important for the project objectives, since the goal of PAGOSTE is to build a network among different stakeholders involved into vocational teacher education (VTE), in particular vocational schools and universities, and, therefore, to improve the governance mechanisms of teacher training for vocational education in Ukraine. After the presentation about the VET in Germany and work of the vocational school center, which was held by the vocational school director Norbert Opferkuch, the guests actively discussed and put numerous questions about mechanisms of cooperation between two institutions, i.e. vocational school center and the University of Konstanz, about the possibilities of further education for working teachers and ways how the vocational school center deals with the challenges of today like the increasing academisation, attractiveness of VET in the society, digitalisation and heterogeneity in the classroom. The excursion around the vocational school center made a very positive impression on both Ukrainian as well as European guests. This meeting showed that there are a lot of prospects for cooperation between different institutions and nations which are united by the common goal of bettering the education.

See the agenda of the workshop (engl.)

The presentations of the kick-off workshop

WS1_IVET_VTE in UA_Standards_Borodienko_en
WS1_KNEU_VTE in UA_Tsymbaliuk_en
WS1_MESU_TE for VET in UA_Panych_en
WS1_MESU_VET teachers. From uni to school_Shumik_en
WS1_NTU_VTE in UA_Savostin_en
WS1_SUNPU_VTE in UA_Fogel_en
WS1_UEPA_VTE in UA_Kovalenko_en
WS1_UKON_Administrative issues_Melnyk_corrected_en
WS1_UKON_Overview of VTE in Germany_Deissinger_en
WS1_UNIROMATRE_Overview VTE in Italy_Leproni_en
WS1_WU_Overview of VTE in Austria_Fortmuller_en

First Round Table 

On September 14-15, 2020 within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project «New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)» the round table «Governance of vocational teacher education: bringing together stakeholders and matching interests» was held. It was organized by National Transport University.

The purpose of the event is a public discussion with stakeholders on the results of the national survey on the partnership-based governance of training for vocational teachers’ education institutions and the development of the roadmap for changes. 

The round table was attended by the Ukrainian and EU partners, as well as stakeholders: 

  • university teachers involved in the training of vocational education teachers
  • directors and teachers of institutions of professional pre-higher and vocational education
  • employers
  • representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The European partners of the project: Thomas Deissinger, (University of Konstanz, Germany), Richard Fortmüller and Rosanna Steininger (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) and Giovanni Serra (Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy) shared the experience of organizing teacher education governance in their countries. 

The presentation on current problems and perspectives in vocational teacher education in Ukraine was made by Iryna Shumik (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

Results of the national survey of the target groups on governance of vocational teacher education were presented by Viktoriia Kruchek (Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAES of Ukraine).

Results of survey on soft skills of vocational teachers in Ukraine were presented by the partners from Universita degli Studi Roma Tre.

During the round table, the moderated discussion was organized on the European experience, which can be useful for Ukrainian practice of vocational education.

The participants of the round table worked out the suggestions how to improve governance in vocational teacher education in Ukraine.

RT1_Dissemination presentation_Melnyk_en_ua

RT1_VTE Governance in Italy_Serra_en_ua

RT1_VTE Governance in Germany_Deissinger_en_ua

RT1_VTE Governance in Austria_Fortmüller_Steininger_en_ua

RT1_Report QPCC_R3_en_ua

RT1_MESU_Current state and challenges of VET and VTE in Ukraine_Shumik_ua

RT1_IVET_Analysis of national survey_Kruchek_ua

RT 1_NTU_Road map of changes_en

RT1_NTU_Road map of changes_ua

Second Workshop

On September 16-17, 2020, the second workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place on the Zoom platform. It was organized by South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky. 

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the results of implementation of the work packages, as well as issues related to ensuring the quality and sustainability of the PAGOSTE project results, the implementation of the dissemination strategy and the features of the project management.

Thomas Deissinger and Oksana Melnyk (University of Konstanz, Germany) made a general overview of the project implementation in terms of work packages and planned activities during the current and next project years.

Results of the national survey of the target groups on governance of vocational teacher education and results of the implementation of the first work package (WP1) "Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education" were presented by Oleksandra Borodiyenko (Institute of Vocational Education and Training of NAES of Ukraine).

Results of the survey on developing soft skills of vocational teachers in Ukraine were presented by the partners from Universita degli Studi Roma Tre.

Short summary of the round table "Governance of vocational teacher education: bringing together stakeholders and matching interests" (14-15.09.2020), organized by National Transport University (Ukraine), was presented by Danylo Savostin-Kosiak.

Svilana Tsymbaliuk (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman) presented dissemination activities organized by the Ukrainian universities – project partners.

During the workshop, the partners had a fruitful discussion on the development of partnership in the field of VET teachers training, creating a professional network, the role of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in developing mechanisms of teacher education governance, the ways of increasing youth motivation to teach and the prestige of the teacher’s profession. 

The partners planned a series of trainings for Ukrainian partners and stakeholders in order to form professional competencies and soft skills necessary for the development of partnership in the field of VET teachers’ training.


WS 2_UKON_Technical issues_Melnyk_en

WS 2_UKON_Overall overview of project implementation_Melnyk, Deissinger_en

WS 2_UKON_Eleboration and implementaion of PBG_ Melnyk_en


WS 2_IVET_Report_Borodienko_en

WS 2_IVET_Analysis of the national survey results_Borodienko_en

WS 2_UKON_Content input of EU partners_Melnyk_en

WS 2_NTU_Summary of RT_en

Field Monitoring

On September 18, 2020, the preventive monitoring of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place on the Zoom platform. The organizer of the event was South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky.

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman as the national coordinator presented the main achievements of the project in terms of implementing the work packages.

The Ukrainian partners presented their own achievements in the project implementation, the activities carried out, the current and expected results:

  • Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky
  • National Transport University
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy of NAES of Ukraine.

The following participants joined the discussion on the implementation of the PAGOSTE project:

  • the grantholder of the project (University of Konstanz)
  • the representatives of management of the educational establishments (rectors, vice-rectors, directors) 
  • the administrators of the Ukrainian partners responsible for financial management of the project
  • the main stakeholders (students studying on speciality “Vocational Education”, teachers involved in the training of future teachers of vocational education and training, teachers of postgraduate educational establishments).

The project consortium is sincerely grateful to the representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office, Zhanna Talanova, Ivana Atamanchuk and Petro Krainik, for the useful recommendations on improving the project implementation, increasing the quality and ensuring the sustainability of results.

First Staff Traning

On November 30, 2020 and December 1, 2020, the University of Konstanz organised a staff training for the Ukrainian partners.

The topic of the first staff training was "Institutional cooperation in vocational teacher education from the German perspective". More than 160 participants attended the training among whom were representatives of institutions of higher, vocational pre-tertiary vocational and vocational education, VET training centres, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The goal of the first staff training was to describe the governance and cooperation structures of vocational teacher education in Germany and illustrate from different institutional perspectives how they function, so Ukrainian partners can analyse the foreign system and learn the best practices, which can be implemented in their home system.

Svitlana Shytikova (National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine) made a welcoming speech, emphasizing the importance of improving education and training of VET teachers in the development of both higher and vocational education.

During the training “Institutional cooperation in vocational teacher education from the German perspective”, Thomas Deissinger (University of Konstanz, Germany) presented:

— the overview of the education system and the vocational education system in Germany;

— the key elements of dual form of education;

— participation of stakeholders and social partners in the organization of training;

— the features of education and training of VET teachers and VET teachers in Economics at the University of Konstanz;

— the specifics of cooperation between the main actors in the education and training of VET teachers: universities, vocational schools and seminars for the education and training and advanced training of teachers;

— challenges in the vocational education and training of VET teachers in Germany.

Peculiarities of school practice and cooperation from the vocational schools’ perspective were presented by Judith Hirsch, M. Sc., lecturer at the University of Konstanz and a vocational teacher at Berufsschulzentrum  Radolfzell (Germany).

Experience of vocational teacher-mentor in supervision of school practice was disclosed by Elisa Wielandt, M. Sc., vocational teacher of Berufsschulzentrum  Stockach (Germany).

School practice from students’ perspective and cooperation with stakeholders in the process of the education and training of teachers was presented by Antje Bäcker, B.Sc., master-student of the 5th semester and Annika Sonnenmoser, B.Sc., master-student of the 3rd semester (University of Konstanz).

See the programme of the first staff training (engl./ukr.).

The presentations of the first staff training:

Second Staff Training

On December 03 and 04, 2020 within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” the second training for stakeholders in the education and training of VET teachers started.

The second training on the topic “School practice and cooperation in vocational teacher education from Austrian perspectives” was conducted by the project team of Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria.

More than 190 participants attended the training, among whom there were representatives of institutions of higher, vocational pre-tertiary and vocational education, VET training centers, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Welcome word was made by Ivanna Atamanchuk (the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine), who emphasized the importance of the project in developing both the systems of higher education and vocational education in Ukraine.

During the training “School practice and cooperation in vocational teacher education from Austrian perspectives”, Richard Fortmüller (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria) presented:

  • the general overview of the education and training system of VET teachers in Austria;
  • the structure of Economics and Business Education study program;
  • establishing cooperation between the university and various institutions during the education and training of VET teachers: the Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Education Department in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, higher and middle vocational schools.

Kerstin Konczer (Vienna University of Economics and Business) presented peculiarities of organization of students’ internship – future VET teachers:

  • place of the school internship in the Austrian Master's programs in Economics and Business Education;
  • legal basis for school internship;
  • goals, content and structure of school internship;
  • peculiarities of assessment of school internship;
  • establishing communication with Master’s students of the Master program “Economics and Business Education” during their school internship in vocational schools.

Rosanna Steininger (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and Nora Cechovsky (University for Teacher Education of Upper Austria) shared information about:

  • vocational schools and vocational teacher training in Austria (structure of Austrian vocational education and training system, requirements for enrolling in university studies, structure of training contents);
  • peculiarities of curricula development at pedagogical universities in Austria (legal basis and process of curriculum development, involved actors and relevant stakeholders in curriculum development);
  • curriculum specifics of secondary level vocational education at the Pedagogical University of Education of Upper Austria.

The training aroused considerable interest among the participants, who had the opportunity to get the answers to the questions of interest to them.

See the full programme of the event (engl./ukr.).

The presentations of the speakers with translation into Ukrainian:

Second Mini-workshop

On February 11, 2021, the mini-workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place on the Zoom platform. It was organized by the University of Konstanz, Germany.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the following issues:

  • implementation of the work package 2 (WP2) by the Ukrainian universities
  • creation and functioning of the Association of Vocational Education and Continued Education
  • development of the online platform for cooperation of stakeholders in education and training of vocational education teachers
  • ensuring the quality and sustainability of implementing the PAGOSTE project results

The welcoming speech was made by the project coordinator Thomas Deissinger (University of Konstanz, Germany) and Ivanna Atamanchuk (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine).

The representatives of the Ukrainian partner universities presented their concepts for the development of the system of the training of VET teachers based on standardization and partnership-based governance. The strategy of developing a digital platform for stakeholders interaction in education and training of vocational education teachers was presented by Oleksandra Borodiyenko, Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAES.

Yana Malykhina from the Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy presented the concept of creation and functioning of the Association of Vocational Education and Continued Education.

The Ukrainian partners received useful recommendations for the implementation of the developed concepts from European colleagues from the University of Konstanz, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Universita degli Studi Roma Tre as well as Ivanna Atamanchuk (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine).

The full programme of the mini-wokshop can be checked here.

The presentations of the mini-workshop can be downloaded below:

Second Round Table

In the framework of the international project Erasmus+ "New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), No. 609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) the second round table "Development and implementation of partnership-based governance mechanisms in vocational teacher training: concepts of effective functioning", took place on March 11-12, 2021.

The purpose of the event was to present and publicly discuss with stakeholders the first results and drafts of the concepts of vocational teacher training based on the partnership developed by the partner-HEIs, the Internet platform for cooperation and interaction between stakeholders in vocational education, as well as the presentation of the Association for the development of vocational and continuing education. The organiser and responsible for the event was Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

Representatives of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education institutions, employers, professional associations, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Institute of Vocational Technical Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine are invited to the event. Over 230 participants from all over Ukraine registered for the event and over 160 were active during the both days.

The meeting was also attended by the European project partners from Germany and Austria, who shared their experience in organizing teacher training in these countries.

The National Erasmus+ Office representative, Ivanna Atamanchuk, shared with participants new possibilities of Erasmus+ programmes and encourage not only HEIs but also vocational schools to apply for the Erasmus+ programmes.

The languages ​​of the event were Ukrainian, English and German. The organizers provided translation in Ukrainian.

The drafts of the concepts developed by the Ukrainian partner-HEIs are available for the download below.

The other presentations are listed and available below.

During the event the organisers conducted a moderated discussion with the participants. Within the dicussion the most promising and usefull mechanisms of cooepration between the stakeholders in vocational teacher training were defined. The results of the discussions in three groups are consoldated online and available for viewing (in Ukrainian):

Digital International Students’ Forum: Exchange Experience: How VET Teachers are Trained in Germany

On April 22, 2021, the project team of the University of Konstanz organized an online international students’ forum on the topic “Exchange experience: how VET teachers are trained in Germany”. Because of the pandemic and travel restrictions, the planned study visits of Ukrainian students, who are future vocational teachers, cannot be implemented, therefore the project consortium agreed that an online forum can help to some extent compensate the study visits.

The main objective of the online forum is to provide Ukrainian prospective vocational teachers with insights into studying at the German VET teacher study program (business and economics education) and the procedure of the school internship and the subsequent traineeship. More than 90 participants from the Ukrainian Pedagogics Engineering Academy (Kharkiv), National Transport University (Kyiv), Kyiv National Economic University (Kyiv), Melitopol Pedagogical University (Melitopol) and other HEIs from Ukraine took part in the event.

The Master students of the University of Konstanz, Antje Bäcker and Anne-Kathrin Obergfell, gave interesting presentations on:

  • their motivations to become vocational teachers,
  • experience of studying at the Master programme Economics and Business Education,
  • procedure and experience reports from the school internship,
  • transfer from the study to the traineeship,
  • Business Education Students’ Working Group at the University of Konstanz (AK WIPAED).

Participants actively put numerous questions to the speakers and during the discussion sessions compared the structure of the Ukrainian vocational teacher training system with the German VET teacher education.

The presentation slides in Ukrainian and German are available below.

SF1_UKON_Studentisches Forum Wirtschaftspädagogoik_Obergfell, Bäcker_de-ua

Third Staff Training

On June 22-23, 2021, the project team of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) conducted a staff training in an online format for the teaching staff of higher, professional pre-tertiary and vocational education institution in Ukraine. The topic of the event was "Transfer of learning", which was relevant for all categories of teaching staff. Ivanna Atamanchuk from the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine opened the event with the welcome word.

Over 160 participants from all regions of Ukraine attended the event. The learning objectives of the training were:

  • to introduce psychological basics of transfer of learning,
  • to provide examples of different types of exercise within the transfer of learning,
  • to discuss possible solutions for improving transfer of learning.

During two days participants worked on such issues as:

  • types of long term memory,
  • reasons of forgetting information from the theoretical and empirical points of view,
  • theories of transfer of learning,
  • role of transfer of learning in further learning and training and professional activity,
  • didactic measures for improving transfer of learning.

The event gave an opportunity for the participants to refresh the existing knowledge from pedagogical psychology and get insights into the new research findings in this area from abroad.

The programme of the event (en/ua) is available here.

The slides of the staff training are available below.

ST 3_WU_Fortmüller-Lerntransfer_de-ua

Fourth Staff Training

On September 21-22, 2021, the project team of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) conducted the fourth staff training in an online format for the teaching staff of higher, professional pre-tertiary and vocational education institution in Ukraine.

On September 21-22, 2021, the project team of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) conducted a staff training in an online format for the teaching staff of higher, professional pre-tertiary and vocational education institution in Ukraine. The topic of the event is "STANDARDS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TEACHER EDUCATION IN AUSTRIA", which is relevant for all categories of teaching staff.

The learning objectives of the training are:

  • present the conceptual basis of educational standards,
  • present the conceptual foundations of competency models,
  • present the definition of educational standards for vocational schools in Austria,
  • present the concept of teachers' professional knowledge,
  • present the core competencies defined in the curriculum of the master's program in business education,
  • illustrate the concepts with examples from Austria.

The programme of the event (en/ua) is available here.

The slides of the staff training are available below.


Third workshop

On September 27-28, 2021, in the Vienna University of Economics and Business the third workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the realization of the concepts of vocational teacher education development based on standardization and partnership in Ukrainian partner universities, directions of implementing the partnership based governance on the national level, and the implementation of the dissemination strategy and the features of the project management.

Among the participants, there were the representatives of the following institutions:

  • University of Konstanz;
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business;
  • Roma Tre University;
  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky;
  • National Transport University;
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

The welcoming speech was made by:

  • Richard Fortmüller, organiser of the meeting, Vienna University of Economics and Business;
  • Thomas Deissinger, coordinator of the project, University of Konstanz;
  • Igor Garbaruk, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Thomas Deissinger and Oksana Melnyk (University of Konstanz) made a general overview of the project implementation in terms of work packages and planned activities during the current and next project years.

The results of the implementation of the concepts of vocational teacher education development based on standardization and partnership were presented by the Ukrainian partner universities.

Svilana Tsymbaliuk (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman) presented dissemination activities organized by the Ukrainian universities – project partners.

Oleksandra Borodiyenko (Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAES) and Oleksiy Sytnyk (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) presented the concept and design of an online platform for the cooperation of stakeholders in vocational teacher education.

The results of the establishment of the Association of Vocational and Lifelong Education were presented by the team of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

The moderated discussion on ways and perspectives of partnership-based governance in vocational teacher education on the national level in Ukraine was organized by Iryna Shumik (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine).

During the workshop, the partners had a fruitful discussion on the development of partnership in the field of vocational teacher education, creating a professional network, the role of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in developing mechanisms of teacher education governance, the ways of increasing youth motivation to teach and the prestige of the teacher’s profession.

The partners discussed trainings for Ukrainian partners and stakeholders to form professional competencies and soft skills necessary for the development of partnership in the field of vocational teacher education.

Fifth Staff Training

On October 5,12 and 18 2021, within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” a training “Educational governance and cooperation in German vocational teacher education” for stakeholders in the education and training of VET teachers took place online. A training cosisted of three sessions respectively during which the trainers presented to different aspects of governance and cooperation.

The frist session was conducted  on October 5, 2021 by Professor Thomas Deissinger, the Head of the Chair of Business and Economics Education (University of Konstanz, Germany). It was devoted to such questions:

  • features of governance and cooperation in vocational education in Germany;
  • implementation of the subsidiary principle in vocational education and teacher education in Germany;
  • institutional division of responsibilities among the Ministry of Education of Germany, Seminars of Teacher Training, universities and institutions of vocational education;
  • the role of industry chambers as a body of supervision and monitoring;
  • the role of universities in vocational teacher education.

The second session was on October 12, 2021 during which Joachim Dietrich, the senior lecturer of the Business and Economics Education Chair (University of Konstanz, Germany) presented:

  • training phases for vocational teachers in Economics in Baden-Württemberg;
  • content of professional didactics of Economics disciplines;
  • the specifics of cooperation between universities, Seminars of Teacher Training and institutions of vocational education;
  • features of school practice and pedagogical internship of vocational teachers;
  • specialized didactic standards for pedagogical internships;
  • organization of mentoring in vocational schools;
  • assessment of school practice;
  • features of conducting classes during a pandemic.

For the last session on October 18, 2021 an external guest, Prof.Oliver Greuling from the State Seminar for vocational teacher education Weingarten, was invited to present:

  • second phase of vocational teacher training;
  • functions of the Seminars for teacher training;
  • the structure of the teacher training curriculum;
  • features of teaching practice;
  • selection of teachers to work in Seminars;
  • the role of the Center for Quality Assurance in School Education and Teacher Training.

Over 100 people attended in the training, who were the representatives from vocational schools and centers, higher education institutions, VET methodological centers and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The full programme of the event (engl./ukr.) is available here.

The presentations of the trainers with translation into Ukrainian are below:

Study Visit of Staff from Ukraine

On November 22-26, 2021, the HEI staff from the Ukrainian partner organizations took part in a study visit to the University of Konstanz. In total, 9 people participated in the visit, including representatives of the following partner universities:

  • Kyiv University of Economics,
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odesa),
  • National Transport University (Kyiv),
  • Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Kharkiv),
  • Institute of Vocational Education (Kyiv).

The main goal was to introduce the staff to the practical experience of the University of Konstanz in the implementation of the effective cooperation in vocational teacher training what concerns teaching, research, management and governance.

The participants got acquainted with the structure of the of vocational teacher training programs at the University of Konstanz and the main concepts of cooperation in research, networking with Eastern European universities, as well as international cooperation in the field of teacher training for vocational schools. The staff of the University of Konstanz presented specific examples of teacher training in Baden-Württemberg and student teaching practice abroad. The development of policy in the field of teacher training and professional development in Ukraine and the influence of meritocracy on it were also considered. The Ukrainian partners also had the opportunity to visit a vocational school (Zeppelin Gewerbe Schule) and get information about the activities of the Working Group "AK WiPäd".

The participants also performed group work on the concept of transforming the German experience in the Ukrainian context of teacher training. The results of their activities can be found in the following presentations:

The programme of study visits of staff is available here (eng.)

Sixth Staff Training

On October 17,18 and 19, 2022, within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” a training “Teacher professionalisation: approaches, structure and standards” for stakeholders in the education and training of VET teachers took place online. A training cosisted of three sessions respectively during which the trainers presented to different aspects of teacher professionalisation.

The first session was conducted  on October 17, 2022 by Professor Thomas Deissinger, the Head of the Chair of Business and Economics Education (University of Konstanz, Germany) and Oksana Melnyk, the academic staff member of the chair. It was devoted to such questions:

  • VET issues in Germany and the role of schools and teachers;
  • Standards and Basis Curriculum in vocational teacher education in Germany.

The second session was on October 18, 2022 during which Joachim Dietrich, the senior lecturer of the Business and Economics Education Chair (University of Konstanz, Germany), and an external guest, Prof. Oliver Greuling from the State Seminar for vocational teacher education Weingarten presented:

  • selected aspects of parnership-based governance and institutional cooperation for developing professional competencies in business and economics education in Germany;
  • teaching at vocational schools - personality as a teacher and professionalization of teachers: selected aspects and examples.

For the last session on October 19, 2022 Professor Richard Fortmüller from the Institute of Economics and Business Education of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna), was invited to present:

  • Overview of the two VET systems in Austria;
  • Full-time vocational schools/colleges;
  • Dual system;
  • Vocational teacher education in Austria;
  • Academic education (university or college of teacher education);
  • Work experience in companies;
  • Teaching experience in schools.

About 250 people attended in the training, who were the representatives from vocational schools and centers, higher education institutions, VET methodological centers and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The full programme of the event (eng./ukr.) is available here.

The presentations of the trainers with translation into Ukrainian are below:

Fourth workshop

On November 2-5, 2022, in the Roma Tre University  the fourth workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss current state of implementation of PBG structures (WP2) at every HEI-institution and to analyze it work progress on the national level. Also one of the main objectives was to discuss the implementation of the dissemination WP and the results in this field.

Among the participants, there were the representatives of the following institutions:

  • University of Konstanz;
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business;
  • Roma Tre University;
  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky;
  • National Transport University;
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

Welcome speech was given by 

  • Prof. Paola Perucchini, Director of the Department of Education of the University of Roma Tre
  • Prof. Dr.Dr. h.c. Thomas Deissinger, coordinator, University of Konstanz.

Participants had the opportunity to visit vocational and learn the practical experience of learning settings of the Italian VET system. PAGOSTE team members were shown how and with which professional associations and institutions the Italian vocational schools cooperate, using the experience of vocational school Domizia Lucilla as an example. The presentation can be found at the following link: italian/english.

Representatives of partner organizations also presented the results of PBG:

KNEU project team presented dissemination activities (WP6) organized by the Ukrainian universities – project partners (eng.) Conference planning was also discussed as part of this work package.

The workshop reviewed the report of the IVE project team on the web platform, the important aspects of which are:

  • ensuring communication between students, teachers and stakeholders,
  • creating conditions for professional development of teachers and exchange of experience,
  • implementation of mechanisms for stakeholder interaction in the training of pedagogical staff of professional (vocational) education institutions.

More information is available in the presentation: Development of online platform Partner space "015". As part of the fourth work package, the IVE team also gave a presentation on the changes to the professional standard "Vocational Training Teacher", which is available for download (eng.)

Against the backdrop of recent events, it is also necessary to talk about the impact of the military invasion of Russia on the Ukrainian education system. A presentation on the current situation in the Ukrainian education system was made by representatives of the Directorate of pre-higher, higher education and Directorate of professional education of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The key challenges, needs and other important points of presentation, can be accessed by clicking here (eng.)

In the fourth workshop, the main management issues (WP5) and anthology contributions (WP6) were discussed. The Uni Roma Tre project team also organised a practical visit: possibilities and facilities for fostering learning and teaching at Uni Roma.

Study visit of students, University of Konstanz

On November 14-25, 2022, university students from Ukrainian partner organizations visited the University of Konstanz. In total, 8 people took part in the visit, including two representatives from the following partner organizations:
- Kyiv Economic University (Kyiv),
- South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odesa),
- National Transport University (Kyiv),
- Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Kharkiv).

The main goal was to familiarize the students with the practical experience of the University of Konstanz in implementing effective cooperation in the professional training of teachers in terms of teaching and research.

The participants got acquainted with the features of vocational education and training (VET) and the prospects and challenges of the dual system in Germany. University staff highlighted the practical part, namely the introduction to pedagogical practice and teacher training at the University of Konstanz. The International Office provided students with information and advice on opportunities for cooperation in the framework of international mobility. The participants of the visit attended meetings dedicated to student counseling, as well as student communication within the university on the example of the working group of students-teachers "AK WiPäd". Students also gained experience related to VR reality in the context of trainings for teachers, and the opportunity to learn important aspects of educational psychology and cultural didactics. Together with the students of the University of Konstanz, Ukrainian students attended a seminar "Vocational training of young people with refugee or migrant background - theory meets practice", which focused on the importance of the role of language for teaching in vocational schools. Researchers gave a lecture on the role and tasks of BiSE (binational school of education). In addition, students attended other lectures and training events of the University of Konstanz.

Based on the personal experience and knowledge gained during the study visit, the participants analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the German system and presented in presentations what can be useful for implementation in Ukraine. The results of their activities can be found at the following links:

- group 1,

- group 2,

- group 3,

- group 4.

The program of the study visit of students is available at the link here (eng.)

Study visit of student, University of Roma Tre

On November 14-25, 2022, university students from Ukrainian partner organizations visited the University of Rome Tre. The visit was attended by 8 people, including representatives of the following partner organizations:

- Kyiv University of Economics (Kyiv),
- South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odesa),
- National Transport University (Kyiv),
- Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Kharkiv).

During the visit, the participants had a meeting with the Manager of the State Vocational Institute on the qualification needs of teachers, as well as with the teachers of technical directions: their initial way of studying and methods of professional updating (frequency, subject, method). The visit to the accredited Vocational Training Center allowed Ukrainian students to get acquainted with the specifics of the work of the management (discussion of professional figures working in the center and the requirements for their qualifications) and the trainers (their basic training path and modalities of professional updating - frequency, subject, modality). Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the educational offer of the University of Rome Tre for the training of teachers and trainers. Most of the events were held at the Didactic Center of the Department of Education of the University of Rome Tre. 

Based on the knowledge and experience gained during the study visit, the students compiled a report outlining the results of the meetings and the conclusions drawn by the students as a result of the visit. In particular, the main similarities and differences between the Italian and Ukrainian systems of vocational education were highlighted and the system of vocational education in Italy was studied. The results of the students' activities can be found at the link (engl.

The program of the students' study visit is also available for viewing (engl.)

Seventh Staff Training

On April 25 and 26, 2023, within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” a training “Institutionalisation and internationalisation of partnership in vocational teacher training” took place online. 

The training aimed to achieve the following objectives: presenting mechanisms, tools, and examples of establishing partnerships with other stakeholders and international partners in teacher education at various stages, and discussing the role of vocational education in the development of education systems. The staff training spanned two days and comprised four sessions. 

On the first day, Andreas Jüttler from the University of Pedagogical Education Thurgau gave a presentation on stakeholder cooperation in teacher training. Also on this day, during the second session, Dr. Mathias Konrad discussed the role and tasks of the Binational School of Education in teacher training in Baden-Württemberg.

On the second day, Dr. Vera Braun from the Department of Economics and Business Education 1 of the University of Konstanz, presented the state of vocational education. Later, a presentation by Jan Wischmann, Director of Seminar for Education and Training of Teachers in Weingarten, focused on cooperative structures in the second phase of vocational teacher education in Baden-Württemberg.

The training provided valuable insights into the establishment of partnerships and emphasized the significance of vocational education within the broader education system. Participants gained a deeper understanding of the processes involved in vocational teacher training and the importance of collaboration in this field.

At the end of the training, an evaluation of the event was conducted. Certificates were prepared for participants who attended the training for more than 70% of the time over the course of two days.

The full programme of the event (eng./ukr.) is available here.

The presentations of the trainers with translation into Ukrainian are below:

Cooperation between different stakeholders in vocational teacher training;

Teacher training in Baden-Wurttemberg: Role and tasks of Binational School of Education;

Standing of vocational education;

Cooperative structures in the 2nd phase of vocational teacher education in Baden-Württemberg using the example of the Seminar for Teacher Education and Training in Weingarten.

Study Visit of Staff from Ukraine

On December 12-16, 2022 the HEI staff from the Ukrainian partner organizations took part in a study visit to the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In total, 8 people participated in the visit, including representatives of the following partner universities:

  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky;
  • National Transport University;
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

The participants were given a tour of the university campus. Richard Formüller and Rosanna Steininger gave presentations on vocational and teacher education in Austria, the structure of the business education program at the University of Vienna and how teacher education is managed.

The participants were able to visit the College of Higher Vocational Education (BHAK Wien 22), discuss the key characteristics of the institution and exchange experiences.

Gehard Geissler and Michael Posh presented textbooks on vocational disciplines, their educational standards, content and didactic design of textbooks to Ukrainian guests. The evaluation and approval of textbooks in professional disciplines also became important points of the presentation.

Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the structure of the school internship and with the features of school practice management. Kerstin Konczer presented the possibilities of cooperation: University - Schools - Education Management.

On the last day of the visit, final discussions and an exchange of ideas took place.

During the visit, the participants engaged in group work comparing the Austrian and Ukrainian experience.

The full programme of the event (eng.) is available here.

Fifth workshop at University of Konstanz

On June 5-7, 2023 the project workshop took place at the University of Kostanz. The topic of the workshop was "National level of governance and sustainability of project results".

The project workshop consisted of two parts: presenting and interactive. During the first part the project parners presented their quantative and qualitative results of partnership-based governance at the institutational and at the national levels. During the second part, the partners took part in the round table with students of the University of Konstanz and brain stroming sessions on the sustainability of the project results on the national level and the session with the critical friend of the project, Dr. Lena Freidorfer from the Unviersity of Zürich.

The programme of the workshop is available at the link (eng.)

Sixth workshop, Roma Tre University

On October 5-6, 2023, the final meeting and sixth workshop of the Erasmus+ project "New Mechanisms of Partnership-Based Governance and Standardization of Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)" took place at Roma Tre University in Rome.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of concepts for the development of vocational teacher education based on standardization and partnership at Ukrainian partner universities, directions for implementing partnership-based governance at the national level, as well as the implementation of dissemination strategies and project management specifics.

Participants included representatives from the following institutions:

  • University of Konstanz
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Roma Tre University
  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky
  • National Transport University
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
  • Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

The program of the sixth workshop of PAGOSTE workshop of at Roma Tre University in Rome included various sessions, such as summaries and reports on the project's work packages, discussions on future plans and expected challenges regarding partnership-based governance at different Ukrainian partner universities, as well as the presentation of a sustainability strategy and brainstorming sessions for preparing the final report. There was also time for discussions with external experts, clarification of administrative matters, and bilateral meetings among partners.

The event program is available at the following link (eng.)

Eighth Staff Training

On July 6 and 7, 2023 within the framework of the international Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” a training "Digitalisation and dual vocational education in German-speaking countries: fields of tensions and solutions" took place online.

The event brought together over 145 participants from various educational institutions across Ukraine. The event was opened by the welcome word by Lucia Giannini from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency and Svitlana Shytikova from the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine.

Professors from Germany and Austria delivered insightful presentations during the training. Professor Dr. Stephan Schumann, Chair of Business and Economic Education 2 at the University of Konstanz, presented on the topic "Digital media in vocational schools in Germany: theory, evidence, and implications."  Dr. Gerhard Geissler, Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Business Education at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, discussed the topic "Governance of educational cooperation."

Professor Dr. Schumann shed light on essential aspects of digitalization and the use of digital media in vocational and technical educational institutions in Germany. He provided an overview of current trends, focusing on the consequences of digital transformation for education. Dr. Geissler, in his presentation, emphasized the importance of collaboration in the field of education and shared his experience in managing educational cooperations.

Professor Dr. Stefanie Findeisen, Chair of Business and Economic Education 2 at the University of Konstanz, adressed the challenges of German dual vocational education and  Dr. Richard Fortmüller, Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Business Education at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, discussed the motivational aspects of students in dual vocational education.

Participants of the training had a unique opportunity to discussed not only strengths of the dual system from Germany and Austria but also challenges of the systems.

The full programme of the event (eng./ukr.) is available here.

The presentations of the trainers with translation into Ukrainian are below:

Webinar on PBG implementation in Ukraine

Kyiv, September 29, 2023 — The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, within the Erasmus+ Project "New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), successfully organized an insightful webinar on the promotion of Partnership-Based Governance (PBG) in vocational teacher education. The online event, which took place on September 29, 2023, attracted a substantial audience of over 320 participants, including higher education staff, vocational teachers, and representatives from methodological scientific centers.

The primary focus of the webinar was to share knowledge and experiences related to the implementation of PBG in vocational teacher education. During the event, Iryna Shumik, the Director of the Directorate of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, presented the Methodological Recommendation on Implementation of PBG by universities training prospective vocational teachers. This recommendation, bearing the official approval of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (Nr. 666), signifies a significant step toward enhancing vocational teacher education in the country.

Furthermore, the webinar featured presentations from three partner-universities (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU), National Transport University in Kyiv (NTU) & Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogics Academy (UEPA)) involved in the Erasmus+ Project PAGOSTE. These universities shared their valuable experiences and insights gained from implementing PBG within their respective organizations. Their contributions provided a comprehensive overview of the practical aspects of partnership-based governance.

In a notable addition, Valentyna Radkevych, the Director of Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, introduced an innovative online platform "015" developed under the PAGOSTE project: This platform is designed to facilitate communication and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in vocational teacher education. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, the platform is set to streamline interactions and improve efficiency within the sector.

All the presentations delivered during the webinar are accessible for review and reference, ensuring that the valuable insights shared during the event can continue to benefit stakeholders in vocational teacher education.

For further details and access to the presentations, please visit [insert link to access presentations].

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine expresses its gratitude to all participants, speakers, and partners for their active involvement in this event, emphasizing its commitment to fostering excellence in vocational teacher education through partnership-based governance.

The recording of the webinar is accecible on the official YouTube channel of the Ministry:

For inquiries on presentations, please contact:

For inquires on the online platform, please follow the link:

Presentations in Ukrainian are available below:

Final conference of the Erasmus+ Project PAGOSTE at Vienna University, 06-08.11.23

From November 6th to 8th, a conference dedicated to vocational teacher education took place at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The event aimed to explore the changing role of teacher education in the face of rapid technological advancements, shifting labor markets, and global challenges. Participants discussed the aspirations and expectations of stakeholders in vocational teacher education, including policymakers, industry leaders, educators, and learners. They also assessed the current realities and challenges facing vocational teacher education systems worldwide, covering topics such as curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, assessment methods, and professional development. The conference was organized in collaboration with various partner organizations, each contributing one or two conference papers. Contributions from external experts were also welcomed. The official language of the conference was English, and all presentations, discussions, and materials were conducted in English. The conference was also broadcast online via the Zoom platform.

On the first day of the conference, discussions centered on the Ukrainian context of teacher training for vocational education and the unique challenges faced in times of war. The second day featured keynotes from Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried, who provided insights into pedagogical content knowledge of teachers at commercial schools from a German perspective, and Prof. Dr. Philipp Gonon, who discussed the journey to becoming a vocational education teacher in Switzerland, looking back and forward. The third day of the conference explored new approaches in teacher training in the era of digitization, examined European practices in vocational teacher training, discussed systems and institutions of vocational education and training, and addressed the alignment of vocational education with social needs and labor markets.

A detailed program can be found at the following link.

We are pleased to announce that presentations by speakers are available in PDF format, and we will regularly update the information, providing access to them as they become available. Please stay tuned for updates and stay informed about the latest developments in vocational teacher education.

Third Round Table

On January 12, 2024, in Odessa, the K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University hosted a roundtable as part of the Erasmus+ project "New Mechanisms of Management based on Partnership and Standardization of Teacher Training in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)".

Over 100 participants from various educational institutions engaged in discussions regarding the project's outcomes, the implementation of partnership management mechanisms, and the development of guidance for Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Representatives from universities such as University of Konstanz, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, National Transport University, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, as well as officials from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Institute of Vocational Education of NAES were among the attendees

The roundtable featured presentations on theoretical models of collaborative management, mechanisms of partnership interaction with stakeholders, methodological recommendations for implementing partnership-based management, and the functionalities of the "Partnership Space 015" web platform.

Additionally, there were moderated discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of partnership management in Ukrainian higher education institutions, as well as brainstorming sessions to prepare recommendations for its implementation.

The programme is avaible at the following link (ukr.)