2DEV: Elaboration and implementation of PBG

The main goal of the second WP is to work out a concept of partnership-based governance mechanisms which suits every particular partner-HEI and vocational schools/other stakeholders, which are partners in VET and have a substantial interest in quality of VET and in closing the gap between theory and practice in VET teacher education. The aim of the concept is to involve VET institutions into curriculum design, teaching processes and development of teaching materials at universities, since they are future employers of students who study at vocational teacher training programs.


  • organize study visits for the staff involved in partnership-based governance (PBG) and for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
  • work out a concept for the effective functioning of partnership-based governance at each partner HEI in Ukraine
  • pilot new structures of PBG
  • install the necessary equipment
  • visit of on-site the institutions involved in PBG and provision of consultations and guidance for solving problems during workshops and staff trainings
  • write a report on WP2


Second workshop

On September 16-17, 2020, the second workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place on the Zoom platform. It was organized by South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky. 

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the results of implementation of the work packages, as well as issues related to ensuring the quality and sustainability of the PAGOSTE project results, the implementation of the dissemination strategy and the features of the project management.

Thomas Deissinger and Oksana Melnyk (University of Konstanz, Germany) made a general overview of the project implementation in terms of work packages and planned activities during the current and next project years.

Results of the national survey of the target groups on governance of vocational teacher education and results of the implementation of the first work package (WP1) "Analysis of governance of vocational teacher education" were presented by Oleksandra Borodiyenko (Institute of Vocational Education and Training of NAES of Ukraine).

Results of the survey on developing soft skills of vocational teachers in Ukraine were presented by the partners from Universita degli Studi Roma Tre.

Short summary of the round table "Governance of vocational teacher education: bringing together stakeholders and matching interests" (14-15.09.2020), organized by National Transport University (Ukraine), was presented by Danylo Savostin-Kosiak.

Svilana Tsymbaliuk (Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman) presented dissemination activities organized by the Ukrainian universities – project partners.

During the workshop, the partners had a fruitful discussion on the development of partnership in the field of VET teachers training, creating a professional network, the role of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in developing mechanisms of teacher education governance, the ways of increasing youth motivation to teach and the prestige of the teacher’s profession. 

The partners planned a series of trainings for Ukrainian partners and stakeholders in order to form professional competencies and soft skills necessary for the development of partnership in the field of VET teachers’ training.

Second mini-workshop

On February 11, 2021, the mini-workshop of the Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)” took place on the Zoom platform. It was organized by the University of Konstanz, Germany.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the following issues:

  • implementation of the work package 2 (WP2) by the Ukrainian universities
  • creation and functioning of the Association of Vocational Education and Continued Education
  • development of the online platform for cooperation of stakeholders in education and training of vocational education teachers
  • ensuring the quality and sustainability of implementing the PAGOSTE project results

The welcoming speech was made by the project coordinator Thomas Deissinger (University of Konstanz, Germany) and Ivanna Atamanchuk (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine).

The representatives of the Ukrainian partner universities presented their concepts for the development of the system of the training of VET teachers based on standardization and partnership-based governance. The strategy of developing a digital platform for stakeholders interaction in education and training of vocational education teachers was presented by Oleksandra Borodiyenko, Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the NAES.

Yana Malykhina from the Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy presented the concept of creation and functioning of the Association of Vocational Education and Continued Education.

The Ukrainian partners received useful recommendations for the implementation of the developed concepts from European colleagues from the University of Konstanz, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Universita degli Studi Roma Tre as well as Ivanna Atamanchuk (National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine).

The full programme of the mini-wokshop can be checked here.

The presentations of the mini-workshop can be downloaded here.

Second Round Table

In the framework of the international project Erasmus+ "New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine" (PAGOSTE), No. 609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) the second round table "Development and implementation of partnership-based governance mechanisms in vocational teacher training: concepts of effective functioning", took place on March 11-12, 2021.

The purpose of the event was to present and publicly discuss with stakeholders the first results and drafts of the concepts of vocational teacher training based on the partnership developed by the partner-HEIs, the Internet platform for cooperation and interaction between stakeholders in vocational education, as well as the presentation of the Association for the development of vocational and continuing education. The organiser and responsible for the event was Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

Representatives of vocational, professional pre-higher and higher education institutions, employers, professional associations, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Institute of Vocational Technical Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine are invited to the event. Over 230 participants from all over Ukraine registered for the event and over 160 were active during the both days.

The meeting was also attended by the European project partners from Germany and Austria, who shared their experience in organizing teacher training in these countries.

The National Erasmus+ Office representative, Ivanna Atamanchuk, shared with participants new possibilities of Erasmus+ programmes and encourage not only HEIs but also vocational schools to apply for the Erasmus+ programmes.

The languages ​​of the event were Ukrainian, English and German. The organizers provided translation in Ukrainian.

The drafts of the concepts developed by the Ukrainian partner-HEIs are available for the download below.

The other presentations are listed and available below.

During the event the organisers conducted a moderated discussion with the participants. Within the dicussion the most promising and usefull mechanisms of cooepration between the stakeholders in vocational teacher training were defined. The results of the discussions in three groups are consoldated online and available for viewing (in Ukrainian):

Study Visit of Staff from Ukraine to University of Konstanz

On November 22-26, 2021, the HEI staff from the Ukrainian partner organizations took part in a study visit to the University of Konstanz. In total, 9 people participated in the visit, including representatives of the following partner universities:

  • Kyiv University of Economics,
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odesa),
  • National Transport University (Kyiv),
  • Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (Kharkiv),
  • Institute of Vocational Education (Kyiv).

The main goal was to introduce the staff to the practical experience of the University of Konstanz in the implementation of the effective cooperation in vocational teacher training what concerns teaching, research, management and governance.

The participants got acquainted with the structure of the of vocational teacher training programs at the University of Konstanz and the main concepts of cooperation in research, networking with Eastern European universities, as well as international cooperation in the field of teacher training for vocational schools. The staff of the University of Konstanz presented specific examples of teacher training in Baden-Württemberg and student teaching practice abroad. The development of policy in the field of teacher training and professional development in Ukraine and the influence of meritocracy on it were also considered. The Ukrainian partners also had the opportunity to visit a vocational school (Zeppelin Gewerbe Schule) and get information about the activities of the Working Group "AK WiPäd".

The participants also performed group work on the concept of transforming the German experience in the Ukrainian context of teacher training. The results of their activities can be found in the following presentations:

The programme of study visits of staff is available here (eng.)

Study Visit of Staff from Ukraine to Vienna University

On December 12-16, 2022 the HEI staff from the Ukrainian partner organizations took part in a study visit to the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In total, 8 people participated in the visit, including representatives of the following partner universities:

  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman;
  • South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky;
  • National Transport University;
  • Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

The participants were given a tour of the university campus. Richard Formüller and Rosanna Steininger gave presentations on vocational and teacher education in Austria, the structure of the business education program at the University of Vienna and how teacher education is managed.

The participants were able to visit the College of Higher Vocational Education (BHAK Wien 22), discuss the key characteristics of the institution and exchange experiences.

Gehard Geissler and Michael Posh presented textbooks on vocational disciplines, their educational standards, content and didactic design of textbooks to Ukrainian guests. The evaluation and approval of textbooks in professional disciplines also became important points of the presentation.

Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the structure of the school internship and with the features of school practice management. Kerstin Konczer presented the possibilities of cooperation: University - Schools - Education Management.

On the last day of the visit, final discussions and an exchange of ideas took place.

During the visit, the participants engaged in group work comparing the Austrian and Ukrainian experience.

The full programme of the event (eng.) is available here.

Third round table

On January 12, 2024, in Odessa, the K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University hosted a roundtable as part of the Erasmus+ project "New Mechanisms of Management based on Partnership and Standardization of Teacher Training in Ukraine (PAGOSTE)".

Over 100 participants from various educational institutions engaged in discussions regarding the project's outcomes, the implementation of partnership management mechanisms, and the development of guidance for Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Representatives from universities such as University of Konstanz, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, National Transport University, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, as well as officials from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Institute of Vocational Education of NAES were among the attendees

The roundtable featured presentations on theoretical models of collaborative management, mechanisms of partnership interaction with stakeholders, methodological recommendations for implementing partnership-based management, and the functionalities of the "Partnership Space 015" web platform.

Additionally, there were moderated discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of partnership management in Ukrainian higher education institutions, as well as brainstorming sessions to prepare recommendations for its implementation.

The programme is avaible at the following link (ukr.)


Kyiv National Economic University

  • Regulations on the Professional Advisory Committee of specialty 015 'Professional education (Economics)' (ukr.)
  • Regulations for the Coworking Centre of Economic and Business Education Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology State Higher Educational Institution 'Kyiv National Economic University (ukr.)
  • Agreement on cooperation between Kyiv National Economic University and The Teaching and Methodical Cabinet of Vocational and Technical Education in Kyiv (ukr.)
  • Work Plan of the Professional Advisory Committee for specialty 015 'Professional Education (Economics)' for the 2022-2023 academic year (ukr.)
  • Work Plan of the Professional Advisory Committee for specialty 015 'Professional Education (Economics)' for the 2023-2024 academic year (ukr.)
  • Report on the Results of the Professional Advisory Committee's Work for the specialty 015 'Professional Education (Economics)' for the 2022-2023 academic year (ukr.)
  • Results of the stakeholder survey on the content of the Educational-Professional Program "Economic and Business Education" for the specialty 015 "Professional Education (Economics)" in the field of knowledge 01 "Education/Pedagogy" (ukr.)
  • Sustainable development plan of the Erasmus+ PAGOSTE project results at Kyiv National Economic University (ukr.)
  • Concept of development of VET teacher training system based on standardization and partnership at Kyiv National Economic University (eng.) / (ukr.)

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

  • Concept of improvement of governance of VET teacher education at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (eng.) / (ukr.)
  • Regulations on the resource center of professional education in design technologies (ukr.)
  • Agreements on cooperation between SUNPU and stakeholders (ukr.)
  • Educational-professional program "Professional education (Design)", 2021 (ukr.)
  • Educational-professional program "Professional education (Design)", 2022 (ukr.)
  • Educational-professional program "Professional education (Design)", 2023 (ukr.)
  • Programme for the advancement of qualifications of teachers in vocational technical education (ukr.)
  • Programme for the advancement of qualifications of masters of industrial training in institutions of vocational technical education (ukr.)
  • Methodological recommendations for advanced further training of teachers of design disciplines in vocational and technical education institutions (ukr.)
  • Methodological recommendations for advanced further training of masters of industrial training in vocational and technical education institutions (ukr.)
  • Sustainability plan for project results of Ushynskyi University (ukr.)

National Transport University

  • Concept of development of VET teacher training system based on standardization and partnership at National Transport University (eng.) / (ukr.)
  • Memorandum of Cooperation between NTU and National Qualifications Agency (ukr.)
  • Memorandum of Cooperation between NTU and All-Ukrainian Association of Transport Employers "Federation of Transport Employers of Ukraine" (ukr.)
  • Agreements on cooperation between NTU and stakeholders (ukr.)
  • Methodical recommendations for laboratory work "Technical maintenance of car diesel power supply system" (ukr./eng.)
  • Methodological guidelines for conducting laboratory work Inspection and adjustment of external vehicle lighting devices (ukr./eng.)
  • Didactic training course "VET Teachers' Career Competence Development" (ukr.)
  • Training plan of the Didactic training course “VET Teachers' Career Competence Development” (ukr.)
  • Regulation on the Committee for Support of Quality Assurance and Development of Teacher Training in Professional Education and Training at the NTU (ukr.)
  • Educational plan for the professional development of teachers at the Zhytomyr Automobile and Road College of NTU on the topic "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of shaping perceptions of professional success and career competence development in student youth" (ukr.)
  • Educational handbook "Pedagogy of Higher Education" (ukr.)
  • Plan for sustainable development of the results of the ERASMUS+ PAGOSTE project at the National Transport University (eng.)

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

  • Concept of creating new partnership-based governance and standardisation mechanisms of vocational teacher education at Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (UEPA) (eng./ukr.)